You can attach a MySQL database to your project either by following the Quick Start guide or by going to the "Data Source" section of your project. You can connect any reachable MySQL instance (Managed or Self-hosted) to the project. For managed instances, some examples of database cloud providers you can use are AWS RDS, Aiven, Azure, Google, among others.
Guides on provisioning managed databases in the cloud.
Supported Versions of MySQL
Adding a Data Source in a Neurelo Project
Click on the "Data Sources" option from the left navigation bar in your project.
Click on the "New" button.
Upon clicking, a popup window will appear, asking you to name your data source and provide the connection details
Using the Connection String: If you have the connection string for your database, simply input the string in the field in the form. The connection string needs to be in the following format -
If you have any special characters ('$', ':', '/', '?', '#', '[', ']', '@') in your password, please make sure that the string is correctly encoded. Alternatively, you can use the "Advanced Settings" option and input the password with special characters there instead.
Using Connection Details: If you don't have the fully formed Connection String and need to enter the Connection Details instead, please click on "Advanced Settings" and enter the data in the relevant fields
Host: The URL endpoint of your database
Port: The port number for the database instance
Database: The exact name of the database in the instance to be used
Username: The username to be used for connecting to the database
Password: The password to be used for connecting to the database
Selecting a Gateway and Allowing Neurelo IP Addresses:
Please select the Gateway that is located nearest to the database. Below the connection details, there’s an option to select a Gateway. Choose one that best suits your operational needs.
If you have a firewall or security group configured in front of the database, you may need add Neurelo IPs to the allowed list so that Neurelo can connect to the database. There are multiple IPs for the selected gateway, all of which need to be permitted in the firewall or security group configuration
If you needed to configure Neurelo IPs to connect to your database, please make sure you spin up Environments that will use this database in the same gateway as the configured IPs selected.
Testing and Saving the Data Source
To make sure that all the information has been correctly entered and the Neurelo IPs have been added to the allowlist, you can test the connection by clicking on "Test Connection", You will receive a pop up saying "Connection test in progress" and once the connection has been tested successfully, you receive a message "Connection test completed successfully".
Once the connection has been successfully tested, you can proceed to click on the "Submit" button. This will create a new data source for your project. You can always come back to this Data Source section to verify database details including the health check history.
Last updated