Neurelo provides a range of SDKs designed to work seamlessly with the APIs generated from your schema. Currently, we offer SDKs for the following languages:

  • TypeScript / JavaScript

  • Go

  • Python

Downloading SDKs

You can download the Neurelo SDKs either through our web interface or using our CLI.

Via Web Interface:

  1. Navigate to the Definitions page located in the sidebar.

  2. Select the Docs tab.

  3. Click on the SDKs button on the right-hand side to download the desired SDK.

You can also download these from under the APIs tab in your Environment

Via CLI:

  1. Login with neurelo login and select the project that you'd like to use with neurelo project use

  2. Run neurelo sdk download, you can provide a commit ID, or leave that field blank to download an SDK based on the most recent commit in your project

Last updated