
Neurelo's Go SDK allows you to quickly and easily integrate your app with Neurelo APIs. This SDK is generated from the API spec and provides a set of methods to interact with the API endpoints. The generator creates a Go client that utilizes the std package net/http to make HTTP requests. Tested with Go v1.22.3


  • Go binaries are installed on your system and included in your path.

  • Download your generated SDK from the API pages of your project & move the generated SDK file neurelo-sdk-golang-cmt_<id>.zip to your project root.

  • Tools for configuring environment variables (e.g. github.com/joho/godotenv) or simply export before starting your dev server (inline).


  • Copy the generated sdk neurelo-sdk-golang-cmt_<>.zip to your project

  • Unzip the sdk to project_root/pkg/neurelo_sdk

  • Add the dependencies to your go.mod file

mkdir -p ./pkg/neurelo_sdk &&\
unzip neurelo-sdk-golang-cmt_<>.zip -d ./pkg/neurelo_sdk &&\
go get github.com/oapi-codegen/runtime


  • Make sure to set NEURELO_API_ENDPOINT and NEURELO_API_KEY env variables before using the client or you can set them in the client file.

  • Create a client file, so that it can be used by other files in the project.

// src/lib/client.go
package lib

import (

  // Replace the <project_root> with your project url. eg: github.com/neurelo-public/neurelo-sdk
  neurelo_sdk "<project_root>/pkg/neurelo_sdk"

var ApiClient *neurelo_sdk.Client

func RequestEditor(ctx context.Context, req *http.Request) error {
  req.Header.Set("X-API-KEY", os.Getenv("NEURELO_API_KEY"))
  return nil

// Setup client after reading env variables or in main.go
func SetupApiClient() {
  hc := http.Client{}
  server := os.Getenv("NEURELO_API_ENDPOINT")
  api_client := neurelo_sdk.Client{
    Server: server,
    Client: &hc,
    RequestEditors: []neurelo_sdk.RequestEditorFn{
  ApiClient = &api_client

API Usage

  • Use the client in other files to make API calls.

// main.go
package main

import (

  // Replace the <project_root> with your project url. eg: github.com/neurelo-public/neurelo-sdk
  neurelo_sdk "<project_root>/pkg/neurelo_sdk"
  lib "<project_root>/src/lib"

func Execute() {
  ctx := context.Background()

  take := 10
  skip := 0

  res, err := lib.ApiClient.FindActor(ctx, &neurelo_sdk.FindActorParams{
    Take: &take,
    Skip: &skip,
  if err != nil {

  parsedRes, err := neurelo_sdk.ParseFindActorResponse(res)
  if err != nil {


func main() {
  • Execute the main file to see the output

go run main.go

Setup Environment Variables (Optional)

  • Install the godotenv package

go get github.com/joho/godotenv
  • Create a .env file in the root of your project

touch .env &&\
echo "NEURELO_API_ENDPOINT=<api-endpoint>" >> .env &&\
echo "NEURELO_API_KEY=<api-key>" >> .env
  • Load the environment variables in the main.go file

// main.go
package main

import (
  // other imports ...
  godotenv "github.com/joho/godotenv"

func main() {


To review an example of an application built using Neurelo's SDK, please visit: Projects built using Neurelo SDKs

  • These examples are built to act as a starter template for your project

  • You can use these examples to understand how to use the SDK in your project

Last updated