Creating a new Environment


The Environment Dashboard in Neurelo is the central hub for managing all your environments in a specific project. Each environment is a runtime workspace for using the APIs from your project for development, testing, and deployment.

Environments Dashboard

To go to the environments dashboard, select a project from the left sidebar or from the Home screen and then select "Environments" under the selected project

  1. Creating New Environments:

    • Click on the “New” button at the top of the dashboard to create a new environment.

    • Specify the Environment Name, choose a region for the deployment, select a definition commit, choose a Data Source, and configure additional settings like Observability and Automatic Migrations (only for Relational Databases such as PostgreSQL and MySQL).

      • Region: Select the region you would like to spin up this environment in. We currently support 3 regions

        • AWS us-east-2 (Ohio, US)

        • AWS us-west-2 (Oregon, US)

        • AWS ap-south-1 (Mumbai, India)

        It is highly recommended that you create your Neurelo environments geographically as close to where the data source is as possible, for the best performance and lowest latency for your projects.

        If you added Neurelo IPs to the allowed-list for your firewalls/security groups, as part of connecting your data source to Neurelo, please make sure to select the same region for your environment as you did when adding the data source

      • Observability enables collecting for metrics around the APIs that are invoked.

      • Automatic Migrations is a preview feature which enables schema migrations to be directly applied from Neurelo to the configured data source for the environment.

  2. Configure a Definition for the Environment:

    • Select a specific version (commit) of the definitions from your version controlled branches to provision into a specific environment.

  3. Starting and Stopping Environments:

    • Use the “Start Runner” button to activate your environment. API endpoints for the environment can be used once the Runners have been started.

    • You can also stop the environment for configuration changes or when it’s not in use.

  4. Modifying Environment Settings:

    • The “Settings” button allows you to modify the settings of your environment.

  5. API Endpoint Base URL:

    • The dashboard displays the base URL for your API endpoints. This URL will vary depending on the region your environment is deployed in.

      • REST endpoints are available at $Environment_URL/rest

      • Custom Query endpoints are at $Environment_URL/custom

      • GraphQL endpoints are at $Environment_URL/graphql

  6. Managing API Keys:

    • By clicking on “API Keys”, you can create new keys, view and manage existing api keys, or revoke a key. API Keys are necessary for making secure API calls.

  7. Reviewing APIs:

    • The “APIs” tab opens a new dashboard dedicated to managing and reviewing your APIs and their references.

To conserve platform resources, running environments which are inactive (no api calls) for more than 7 days may be automatically stopped. When the runners are auto-stopped for inactive environments, their configuration is not impacted. Runners can be restarted anytime by clicking on "Start Runners" when you need to use the environment again.

The Environment Dashboard in Neurelo is designed to streamline the management of multiple environments, ensuring efficient transition from development to testing to production, and offering comprehensive tools for environment setup, version control, and API management.

Last updated